Each Financial Management Training Seminar features a slide presentation. We offer seminar participants the PowerPoint presentation slides that will be used during the two days of training.
Printed copies of these slides will not be distributed at the training.
Basic Training Slides Deck - Day 1 [ pptx format - 16MB]
Basic Training Slides Deck - Day 2 [ pptx format - 25MB]
Breakout Session
Financial Management Breakout Session (JustGrants) [ pdf format - 14MB]
Advanced Training Seminar:
- Limited Scope Review/Purpose of Financial Monitoring
- Risk Assessment
- Performing a Desk Review
- Budget to Actual/Exercise
- Performance of an On-Site Review
- Indirect Costs
- Cost Allocation Plan
Basic Training Seminar:
- Federal Budget Process
- Financial Management Systems
- Common Rules
- Code of Federal Regulations/2 CFR
- Supplanting
- Matching Requirements
- Procurement
- Financial Analysis Exercise
- Conditions of Awards
- Availability of Funds
- Program Income
- Payments
- Grant Award Modifications
- Conference Cost Reporting
- JustGrants
- Financial Reporting Exercise-FR425
- Audit Requirements / Subpart F
- Sub recipient Monitoring
- Monitoring
- Fraud
- Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA)
- Close-outs