Seminar General Information


Our 2-day in-person basic seminar begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. each day. Our 2-day in-person advanced seminar begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. each day. Certificates of Completion will be provided to participants who attend both days of the training. Certificates will be available online for printing to eligible participants after the completion of the seminar and submission of your survey.

Who Should Attend

Our seminars are designed for people responsible for the financial administration of formula and/or discretionary grants and cooperative agreements awarded from Federal grant-in-aid programs administered by DOJ and OJP Bureaus and Offices. Typically, the Financial Manager (FM) and Grant Award Administrator (GAA) attend our seminar to complete the training requirement for their award.

Who Can Attend the Basic Seminar

Basic Seminar attendance is open to those who have not completed the Online Grants Financial Management Training or In-Person Basic Financial Management Seminar in the last 3 calendar years. All registrations are reviewed against this criterion and individually approved. Notices indicating approval to attend the basic seminar will be emailed to registrants approximately 15 business days after registration. Due to limited capacity, only two members from an organization can attend in a calendar year.

Basic Seminar Curriculum

Seminars cover the formula/discretionary grants and cooperative agreements awarded by DOJ OJP program offices. Knowledgeable and experienced Office of the Chief Financial Officer representatives serve as primary seminar presenters and facilitate seminar discussion. Topics covered include:

  • Application review process
  • Grantee financial reporting requirements
  • SF-425 Federal Financial Report (FFR-425)
  • Payment methods
  • Matching fund requirements
  • Indirect cost methods
  • Monitoring responsibility
  • Grant fraud awareness
  • Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA)
  • Grant closeout process

In addition, the seminar includes review of Federal regulations and requirements governing the recording and expenditure of program income, procurement, lobbying, compliance with drug-free workplace requirements, supplanting, and audits. For more information, please see the agenda page.

Who Can Attend the Advanced Seminar

Advanced Seminar attendance is open to those who have completed the Basic Financial Management Seminar either in person or Online Grants Financial Management Training. Only those registrants with a valid (less than 3yrs old) DOJ Grants Basic Financial Management Training Certificate of Completion, at the time of their registration, will be considered for the Advanced Management Training seminar. All registrations are reviewed against this criterion and individually approved. Notices indicating approval to attend the advanced seminar will be emailed to registrants approximately 15 business days after registration.

Advanced Seminar Curriculum

The Advanced Training seminar curriculum covers financial monitoring from the preparation to the actual performance of an on-site review. Topics to be covered include the following:

  • Limited Scope Review/Purpose of Financial Monitoring
  • Risk Assessment
  • Performing a Desk Review
  • Budget to Actual/Exercise
  • Performance of an On-Site Review
  • Indirect Costs
  • Cost Allocation Plan


As stated above, there is no registration fee to attend our seminars. However, attendees are responsible for all costs associated with their participation in a seminar, including transportation, lodging, and meals.

Seminar Facilities

The Financial Management Training seminar will take place at the OJP building in Washington, DC, or another designated site. Seminar participants will be asked to provide photo identification to access our facilities (government-issued identification is recommended). Building Security requires participants to undergo a personal inspection to accessing our facility, and personal belongings will be inspected and X-rayed.

Building Security will be provided with a list of registered participants in advance of the first day of the seminar. Only approved participants whose names appear on the registration list are permitted access to the building. Onsite registration and walk-ups will not be accommodated.

Seminar Attire

Participants are invited to dress in business casual attire.

Logistics and Hotel Accommodations

The logistics and hotel page on this website provides several lodging options near our building. DOJ has not arranged a block of rooms for attendees; it is the responsibility of attendees to find their own lodging.

Attendees presenting government identification may be exempt from some taxes; check with the hotel when you make your reservation. Attendees traveling on grant funds are required to book lodging at or below the Government lodging per diem rate for Washington, effect at the time of the seminar. Please note that hotels in the Washington, DC area can fill up quickly, and so we recommend making your reservations as soon as possible after receiving your attendance confirmation.


Participants are responsible for arranging their own transportation. As noted on the logistics page, the DOJ building is within easy walking distance of Washington’s Union station (DC Metro Red Line).


Attendance at our Financial Management Training seminar is limited, so register early. First-time attendees will be given priority. Each person planning to attend the seminar must be registered.


There are always more grantees interested in attending our seminars than the number of spaces available. If you have been approved to attend a seminar and find you are unable to attend, please contact as soon as possible to enable another grantee to attend. We maintain a waitlist for each seminar, and we need to notify those waitlisted of an opening in time to allow them to make travel arrangements. Please note that we keep track of grantees who do not cancel in advance and are no-shows to the training seminar.